About Us

Our Role

We feed the body and the mind

We encourage nutrition education and a healthy lifestyle year round! We provide the students with skills and knowledge that will support their physical and mental well-being throughout their lifetime.

Our goal as part of the Strategic plan 2015-2020 is to “strengthen healthy lifestyles and positive mental health” and “to encourage learners to adopt a healthy and physically active lifestyle.” We achieve this by supporting teachers & students in the Health & Nutrition Education aspect of the Quebec Education Program.

This website was created to provide the Lester B. Pearson School Board teachers, parents and children with resources, tools and materials used for nutrition education in the classroom.

Food service and policy


The Lester B. Pearson School Board adopts the Food & Nutrition Policy in an effort to disseminate the principles of healthy eating. To see policy click here: LBPSB Food & Nutrition Policy

We are diverse in servicing the needs of our students, administrators and colleagues in the many areas of the Food Service business, such as student dining in cafeterias, hot lunch delivery (Caf-Mobile), and business/conference/meetings. In addition, our department oversees milk & food programs at the elementary level, as well as managing the Hungry Kids program at the high school level.

Who we are

LBPSB Nutritionists

We are a team professional dietitians passionate about sharing nutritional knowledge and making healthy food available to everyone at LBPSB.

How we bring nutrition into the classroom:

  • Providing workshops for Elementary and High School teachers
  • Collaborating with educational consultants and teachers on health and nutrition projects
  • Promoting Nutrition Month activities

We always welcome new initiatives and are happy to collaborate with schools, teachers, and the community!